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Tips for Rap Artists

At Prescott Studios, we want to make sure that you have an exceptional experience. There are a few things to keep in mind that will help you get the best recording possible. 



Warm-up before your session, but don't burn out your voice. Drink warm or room temperature fluids, do NOT drink anything cold as it shrinks vocal cords.  Be ready to hit the microphone when you get to the studio. Staying hydrated during a session is crucial for a good performance.


Decide beforehand what type of session you're going to have. We usually see a couple of different types of sessions, typically either a creative session or a work session.

Creative Sessions

This is where you may not have an exact plan on what you are going to do. You may have a few beats that you like and you want to experiment with different flows and lyrics.  The goal of these types of sessions is to come up with something new and different. 

If you are going to have a creative session try to be relaxed and ready to be creative. 

Work Session

These types of sessions are where you already have a song(s) ready to go and you are just looking to record. For these types of sessions, we suggest having as few distractions as possible. 

Know your lyrics, hook, and adlibs beforehand. This will make your session go much more smoothly allowing you to capture your best performance. 

Be On-Time

No matter what type of session you choose it is critical to be on time. We usually have sessions before and after yours. We don't want to cut your session short if you're late. If you are going to be a little late please give us a call so we can accommodate the schedule change.  

Limit Whom You Bring To Your Session

We understand that it's fun to bring your friends to your session, but be aware that they can cut into your time. Plus the control room can only accommodate up to four people in the control room.

The studio does have a lounge if you want to have your group hang out while you're tracking.

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